Negotiation Improvement Feedback bridge][ability would very much appreciate your feedback on the negotiation improvements you have been able to implement since completing the program with us. Thank you in advance. NEGOTIATION IMPROVEMENTS FEEDBACK Full Name * Email Job Title Company Has your negotiation performance improved since attending the program? * YesNo If no, why not? What aspects of the program have you found most useful? * Deliberately/consciously taken steps to influence the balance of power Opened extreme Maintained control of my negotiations Planned my sequence of proposals focussing on the other party’s break-point Taken steps to better understand the other party’s circumstances Identified all variables as part of my planning Identified every opportunity to maximise value during my planning Traded satisfaction Traded conditionally Used silence Adjusted my own behaviours Been conscious of the other party’s behaviours Identified the nature of the negotiation as part of my planning Reacted appropriately to the other party’s proposals Shifted the other party’s expectations Please select all that apply What has your experience been in implementing changes since the program? In financial or percentage value, how much have you already saved/made since attending the program? Now that you have experienced one of our programs, who else do you know that could benefit? If you are human, leave this field blank. SUBMIT RESPONSE