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Strategy Skills Program

Our Experts

Our negotiation experts come from a background of negotiation experience and their credibility in the eyes of your delegates is essential to the success of the programs. They are employees of bridge][ability which enables us to ensure and monitor quality. Between them they have negotiated contracts and agreements in the following arenas (amongst others):
  • Significant contracts with retailers and consumer goods manufacturers
  • IT and Telco business contracts
  • Agreements within media
  • Agreements with top flight sports clubs and player representatives
  • International defence diplomacy
  • Public Sector procurement

The Delegate Experience

Before most programs the delegates will receive pre-reading and be asked to complete a profile. They will also receive detailed delegate instructions to make the logistics and administration smooth. We can also complete an assessment of them from a negotiation capability perspective. 
We recommend as part of the overall program that they attend Coaching and Implementation Days which are designed to embed the learning and ensure that it is applied to their specific negotiation environment. These two interactions mean that the strategies that they have designed for their negotiations are achieved successfully. 
Whereas our behavioural programs deal with such detail as tactics and psychology and can be applied to any negotiation that they are ever involved in, these programs are designed to address specific current challenges, such as a price increase or a joint venture.  

The Program

The programs are not based on theory or on long classroom style ‘input’ sessions. These programs are at their most effective when delegates come prepared to devise a strategy for one of their ‘live’ or upcoming negotiations. The more challenging these negotiations the better, as we will then be able to demonstrate even better results. At least 50% of the time on the program will be dedicated to devising these strategies. We have tools which are designed to take the guesswork out of assessing the balance of power and the collaborative nature of the negotiation. There is time for the delegates to reflect on their own performance and improvement, but little time for the outside world; it is an immersive experience which is designed to get the most out of what can be a short time period. The programs are either 1 or 2 days in length. When booking ‘in-house’programs we will ensure that they are tailored to maximise relevance to your world. We conduct extensive research before any ‘in-house’ programs are delivered.
All attendees on this program get a license for our ‘bridge][builder’ app which enables them to devise their own strategies in the future.


Why bridge][ability?

Individual Consultation

We work towards your ultimate end goal both personal and business

Impactful and different

Our programma’s are set up so that every level of experience benefits

Tailored Training

All our programmes are tailored with your business objectives in mind

Course options

From open programma’s to in-house and from day to one-week courses

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